We Offer Music Production Classes for Kids Based in Los Angeles
Music Production Technology
Each music production class we use Bandlab to learn how to create loops, drum kits, and learn keys to put beats together.
Branding & Entrepreneurship
Your child will learn the basics of personal branding, album cover art, and music distribution. We teach them how to turn their artistry into a business.
Performance and Collaboration
Our programs are created with performance and collaboration in mind. It’s important for creatives to work together. At then end of every 10 week session we host a performance where your child will show off their beat making skills, new song, or dance they made to their music.
Grow their creative confidence
Each class is an opportunity for your child to embrace a new challenge music production technology. Through hands-on learning, your child is more likely to remain engaged and to build upon their creative problem-solving skills.
Your child will become a pro beat maker.
While our programs encourage your child to become a beat maker, we’ve also included special opportunities for collaboration, performance, and digital entrepreneurship lessons.